佐藤 圭 書歴History
- 1970年
- 加藤光峰に師事
- 1988年
- 上野の森美術館賞受賞
- 1989年
- 上野の森美術館賞受賞
- 1990年
- 愛知県広報『愛知’90』題字「受」掲載
- 1994年
- フリー活動を開始
- 1997年
- 磊砢(らいら)工房開設
- 1998年
- 愛知県(旧)十四山役場・福祉センター/弥富市所蔵
- 1999年
- 中国北京・海内外甲骨文書法大展(中国歴史博物館)
- 2000年
- 中国南京・海外甲骨文書法芸術大展(江蘇省美術館)
東京日本橋ギャラリー開 個展
- 2001年
- 岐阜県博石館ギャラリー(個展)
- 2002年
- 東京日本橋ギャラリー開(個展)
- 2003年
- 東京日本橋ギャラリー開(個展)
- 2004年
- 明治村トリエンナーレ’04(個展)
- 2006年
- ナショナルリビングショウルーム名古屋(個展)
Collingwood Galleryアートコレクション2006(オーストラリア)
- 2007年
- 東京銀座書斎倶楽部(個展)
- 2008年
- 国際公募国際書画大賞展 特選受賞(東京・セシオン杉並)
- 2009年
- 国際公募国際書画大賞展 日中平和賞受賞(東京・セシオン杉並)
三重県菰野ローズガーデン 個展
東京日本橋ギャラリー開 二人展 (陶芸家松平順彦)
- 2010年
- 国際公募国際書画大賞展 芸術ギャラリー優秀賞受賞(東京都美術館)
Global Artist Movement展 豊田市長賞受賞(豊田市美術館)
21世紀書画作家国際交流展 in 福岡(福岡アジア美術館)
弥富市JA愛知厚生連海南病院 プロムナード展示/海南病院所蔵
- 2011年
- 欧美国際公募「日本・フランス現代美術世界展」(青山スパイラル)
国際公募国際書画大賞展 芸術ギャラリー優秀賞受賞(東京都美術館)
Global Artist Movement展 豊田市議会賞受賞(豊田市美術館)
欧美国際公募 「メキシコ美術賞展」 優秀賞受賞(メキシコ)
21世紀書画作家国際交流展 in ソウル
- 2012年
- 欧美国際公募「スペイン美術賞展」(スペイン)
欧美国際公募「日本・フランス現代美術世界展」 特別賞「美術の窓賞」受賞(国立新美術館)
- 2013年
- 名古屋ウェスティンナゴヤキャッスル(個展)
- 2014年
- 京都国際ホテル(個展)
21世紀書画作家国際交流展 基隆市市長賞(台湾)
- 2015年
- 欧美国際公募「ベルギー・オランダ美術賞展」(ベルギー)
東京銀座・文藝春秋画廊 書歴45周年記念展(個展)
- 2016年
- 21世紀書画作家国際交流展 国際貢献賞受賞(福岡)
- 2018年
- 欧美国際公募「スペイン美術賞展」(スペイン)
- 2019年
- 欧美国際公募フィンランド美術賞展」(フィンランド)
- 2020年
- サロン・ドトーヌ展入選(フランス・パリ)
- 2021年
- 欧美国際公募「日本・フランス現代美術世界展」(国立新美術館)
- 2022年
- 京都・恵文社ギャラリーアンフェール
- 1970
- Began practicing ancient Chinese calligraphy.
- 1988
- Won Ueno Royal Museum Prize.
- 1989
- Won Ueno Royal Museum Prize.
- 1990
- Her work letter “Ju” (lit. receive) was published in the Aichi prefecture newsletter.
- 1994
- Became independent.
- 1997
- Established Raira Studio. Developed an original technique of expressing letters with granite in its original stone color, presented a lithograph. Held an exhibition at Nagoya・Gallery 141 themed “Taking ancient Chinese Calligraphy into modern times”. Her works in Jiangsu Golden Mausoleum Restaurant, Jiangsu Nanjing, China.
- 1998
- Donated her works to Yatomi City, Aichi Pref. (Former Jiyushiyama vil. Office and welfare center).
- 1999
- Her works were exhibited in Beijing China Museum of History International Calligraphy Exhibition. Held an exhibition at gallery in Hakuseki Museum in Gifu Pref.
- 2000
- Her works were exhibited in Jiangsu Provincial Art Museum International Calligraphy Exhibitions, Jiangsu China. Held an exhibition at Nihonbashi Gallery “Kai” in Tokyo, Japan.
- 2001
- Held an exhibition in Hakuseki Museum Gallery, Gifu Pref., Japan.
- 2002
- Held an exhibition in Tokyo Nihonbashi Gallery “Kai”.
- 2003
- Held an exhibition in Tokyo Nihonbashi Gallery “Kai”.
- 2004
- Held an exhibition at Meiji Village Triennale ’04 in Aichi Pref.
- 2006
- Held an exhibition at Nagoya National Living Showroom in Aichi Pref. Her works were exhibited at Melbourne Art Show ’06, Australia. Her works were exhibited at Collingwood Gallery (Art Collection ’06), Australia.
- 2007
- Held an exhibition at Ginza Book Club gallery in Tokyo.
- 2008
- Won “Special Selection Award” at Tokyo International Art Exhibitions. (Sesion Suginami, Tokyo) Held an exhibition at Ginza Book Club gallery in Tokyo.
- 2009
- Won China-Japan Peace Prize at Tokyo International Art Exhibitions. (Sesion Suginami, Tokyo) Her works were exhibited at Euro-American “America Arts Exhibitions” in Tennessee, USA. Held an exhibition at Rose Garden in Komono, Mie Pref. Held a “duo” exhibition with Yorihiko Matsudaira, Pottery Artist, Tokyo Nihonbashi Gallery “Kai”. Held an exhibition at Gallery SAWA in Kiyosu, Aichi Pref.
- 2010
- Won “Art Gallery Prize” at Tokyo International Art Exhibitions (Tokyo Metropolitan Arts Museum) Participated at Global Artist Movement Exhibition in Toyota, Aichi Prefecture Held an exhibition at Rose Garden in Komono, Mie Prefecture Participated at Exhibition for 21st Century International Exchange of Artists for Calligraphic Works and Paintings, Fukuoka Prefecture Exhibition at JA Kainan Hospital, Yatomi City, Aichi Prefecture
- 2011
- Exhibited at International “Japan – France Exhibition of Contemporary Art”, Aoyama Spiral Won “Art Gallery First Prize” at International Art Exhibition, Tokyo Metropolitan Arts Museum Held an exhibition at Nagoya Westin Castle Hotel Participated at Global Artist Movement Exhibition in Toyota, Aichi Prefecture Won Award of Excellence at Mexico International Art Exhibition, Mexico Participated in 21st Century International Artists Exchange and Exhibition, Seoul Held an exhibition in Salon d’Automne, Paris (France)
- 2012
- Participated in Internatonal Art Exhibitions “Spain Art Exhibitions”, Spain Won “Special Prize” (The Window of Art Prize) at International “Japan – France Exhiition of Contemporary Art”, The National Art Center Participated in 21st Century International Artists Exchange and Exhibition, Jilin (China) Held an exhibition in Salon d’Automne, Paris (France)
- 2013
- Held an exhibition at Nagoya Westin Castle Hotel Exhibited at International “Japan – France Exhiition of Contemporary Art”, The National Art Center
- 2014
- Exhibition at Kyoto International Hotel, Kyoto Exhibited at International “Japan – France Exhiition of Contemporary Art”, The National Art Center Held an exhibition at Nagoya Westin Castle Hotel Held an exhibition in Salon d’Automnt, Paris (France) Participated in 21st Century International Artists Exchange and Exhibition, Won Mayor’s Award, Keelung City (Taiwan)
- 2015
- International Arts Exhibition (Belgium – Holland Arts Exhibition), Belgium 45th Anniversary Exhibition at Bungeishunju Gallery, Ginza Tokyo
- 2016
- Participated in the 21st Century Calligraphic and Painting Artists International Exchange Exhibition (Fukuoka)
Held a solo exhibition at the Westin Nagoya Castle (Nagoya)
Participated in the Euro-American 'French Art Prize Exhibition' featuring a special large-scale display of black and white works (Corsica)
- 2018
- Participated in the Euro-American 'Spanish Art Prize Exhibition' (Spain)
Participated in the Euro-American 'Japan-France Contemporary Art World Exhibition' (The National Art Center, Tokyo)
Work titled "Longevity" featured in the October issue of 'Art Window' magazine, displayed at The National Art Center (Tokyo)
Participated in the 21st Century Calligraphic and Painting Artists International Exchange Exhibition (Seoul)
Exhibited at the Salon d'Automne (Paris, France)
- 2019
- Participated in the Euro-American 'Finland Art Prize Exhibition' (Finland)
Selected for the Salon d'Automne (Paris, France)
- 2020
- Selected for the Salon d'Automne (Paris, France)
- 2021
- Participated in the Euro-American 'Japan-France Contemporary Art World Exhibition' (The National Art Center, Tokyo)
Selected for the Salon d'Automne (Paris, France)
- 2022
- Kyoto Ebisu-sha Gallery Anfer: 52nd Anniversary Calligraphy Exhibition (Kyoto Ebisu-sha)